Message from our President and CEO, JP Aucoin
“I have never been more proud to be part of Bakelite Synthetics. We are seeking to embed sustainability in everything we do, from creating sustainable products and technologies to advancing our corporate culture that emphasizes safety, operational excellence, and continuous improvement. That is who we are, and our sustainability strategy is a natural extension of our 100-year legacy of innovation to profitably produce infinite solutions that make life better for you and the planet.”
JP Aucoin, President and CEO, Bakelite Synthetics
Our Sustainability Aspirations
Our commitment to shaping a more sustainable future is rooted in our awareness of the environmental impacts of our operations and the role we play in developing environmentally responsible technologies.

Energy and Emissions
From sourcing low-carbon energy to implementing initiatives to harness renewable energy, we continuously seek to reduce the carbon footprint associated with our energy consumption and emissions.

Occupational Health and Safety
Safety is one of our values. We live “safety first” and believe that work is never more important than performing it safely.

Community Engagement
Our local communities play a vital role in our success and sustainability, and we are committed to supporting them through our charitable initiatives.
“The exciting part about our journey is that we are now viewing our work through a new lens with sustainability. We have a different perspective and approach, not just in terms of compliance, but in how we can use our business to create value for our customers and drive sustainability. As a result, we are discovering new opportunities that we hadn’t seen before. This is really invigorating and engaging for our employees, who are deeply committed to sustainability and want to feel a sense of purpose in their work. They are fully invested in this journey.”

2022 Sustainability Report
Bakelite Synthetics has published its first Sustainability Report! Learn how we embed sustainability into everything we do, including product development, operations and our corporate initiatives. Check out our aspirations and the milestones we achieved in 2022.
BAKELITE Sustainability World
We Support

UN Global Compact
As a Participant of the United Nations Global Compact, BAKELITE SYNTHETICS is committed to aligning strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals.

Responsible Care
Responsible Care (RC) is a voluntary initiative of the chemical industry. The objective: continuous improvement in the areas of environmental protection, health and safety (EHS).